Wishful Politics

Well, it’s an election year again. Normally I don’t post on politics, but I’m making an exception. Frankly, I hate politics.

Let me clarify, I do think it’s important that our country’s leaders be chosen at short intervals by the citizenry. I believe that everyone should be involved in choosing representatives to pass laws. All the stuff we were taught in school that the Democratic process is all about.

What I hate is the finger pointing and nastiness, all the criticism and bashing the other candidate. Most elections start with two candidates that have good points and who have ideas that I agree with. They also have ideas I disagree with. There’s no such thing as perfect agreement and that’s fine.

Then the campaign progresses and both candidates are so busy tearing apart the other that the issues and ideas get murky and unclear. Not to mention that they are so negative and hostile that I lose trust in both, because I cannot trust anyone who can be that nasty toward another person.

Just imagine what could happen if campaigns were run on mutual respect and civility. Campaigns where both candidates are willing to admit to the areas that they agree on. What if candidates actually complimented each other on accomplishments they admired the other for? Disagreements could be polite; simply stating that this person differs in opinion from the other and here’s why. No accusations, no derogatory comments, just politely and respectfully disagreeing.

The American Public would be shocked at first, I’m sure. I’d bet on a record turn out for the election, though, as voters could feel they are voting for someone they respect, rather than choosing the lesser of two evils.

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